Do You Know the Dugong?
Dugongs are rotund marine mammals that live in the warmer coastal areas of the Indian and Western Pacific oceans. Their closest living relative is the manatee.
While dugongs can grow quite large (about nine feet long, on average), they are gentle creatures that dine on seagrasses. You wouldn't think this diet would lead to superpowers, but dugongs fight climate change as they eat. They feed in a way that promotes the healthy growth of seagrass, which has a great capacity for storing carbon.
Seagrass meadows absorb 10% of ocean carbon each year!
Dugongs are considered vulnerable to extinction. In addition to hunting, boat strikes, and other dangers, plastic pollution presents a significant threat to the dugongs as they may get entangled in plastic or confuse it for food, clogging their stomachs.
You can help the dugongs! Each Save the Dugong Beaded Bracelet removes 20 lbs of waste, keeping dugongs and other marine wildlife safe from ingesting plastic.

Dugong is threatened by plastic pollution
Marium's Story
In 2019, orphaned baby dugong Marium was found near a beach in Southern Thailand. For months, caretakers paddled out in kayaks to feed and care for her. Marium became a sensation in Thailand and around the world, but she soon after died from ingesting ocean plastic.
Stories like Marium’s fuel our commitment to clean up rivers and stop plastic pollution from reaching the ocean.
Our products are made from 100% recycled materials—including the river plastics we collect.
When you purchase, not only are you giving trash a new life, but you are preventing it from polluting our oceans, and helping to fund our work!
Together, we can make our planet a safer place for dugongs—and everyone.